MaxiGrow Application On Corn

MaxiGrow Application - In this post, we will explain about the MaxiGrow application on Corn.

Successfully develop Chili cultivation with MaxiGrow. The use of MaxiGrow in corn plants will soon be seen together.

Maxigrow applications on Corn
MaxiGrow Effect

The ideal place for corn cultivation is an area with an altitude of 50 - 600 m which has rainfall of about 85 - 200 mm / month, optimum temperature between 23 ° - 30 °, loose, fertile and humus-rich soil, soil pH between 5.6 - 7.5, aeration (air flow into water to increase oxygen content) and good water availability, soil slope less than 80 °.


  • The soil to be planted is hoeed 15 - 20 cm deep, then leveled. Every 3 meters a drainage channel is made along the rows of plants. Channel width 25 - 30 cm, depth 20 cm. These channels are made mainly on poorly drained soils. Areas with a pH of less than 5, danah is limeed (dose 300 Kg / Ha) by spreading lime evenly on the rows of plants, ± 1 month before planting.
  • Apply manure as much as 6 tons / ha, applied along the run of plants before planting. Then apply MaxiGrow solution (1 liter MaxiGrow : 200 liters of water) at each planting point. This stage requires 2 to 3 liters of MaxiGrow per Ha.
  • Planting holes in tugal (holes are made for seeds in the ground), a depth of 3-5 cm, and each hole is only filled with 1 seed. Corn planting distance is adjusted to the age of harvest, the longer the planting distance, the wider. Corn is harvested more than 100 days since planting, the planting distance is 40 cm x 100 cm (2 seeds/hole). Corn harvest age 80 - 100 days, planting distance 25 cm x 75 cm (1 seed/hole)

The need for chemical fertilizers per hectare in corn plants is:
  • Urea = 175 Kg
  •  TSP = 60 Kg
  •   KCL = 75 Kg

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Given 2 times, the first administration with a dose of 1/3 dose of Urea and all TSP and KCL given at the time of planting, the remaining 2/3 dose of Urea given at the age of 5 weeks after planting.  Giving MaxiGrow again at 35 to 37 days after planting, as much as 3 to 4 liters.

Pest control is carried out by monitoring in the field, namely insecticide spraying is only carried out if a destructive pest attack is found.


Corn grown with MaxiGrow fertilizer technology grows large to 1 cob Corn weighs up to 1 kilo. In North Sumatra, corn fields that previously produced 2-4 tons per hectare, increased by 7 tons after using MaxiGrow technology biofertilizer.

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